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About incubus

  • Birthday 01/15/1960

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Absolutely spot on Verne.. Thank you for your response..The reason i fitted the fire was because there was an old Back boiler behind the Breast which we replaced with a combi, and because of its modern looks with little thought of the old Flu.. I think now i'm gonna replace with a balanced flu Gas fire..So my next question it a straight forward replace or do i have to do anything with the Flu to accept a Balanced Flu gas fire...??? Thanks again Verne...
  2. Hi. Last year i had a Fluless Gas fire fitted in the living room. The room has a vent as regs state, But the problem is because of the nature of such fires there is now no ventilation in the chimney and i'm getting damp patches in the Kitchen behind the living room wall. The old gas bar type fire was obviously self venting. I have not altered the chimney pot in any way.. So the question then is this...What is the best way to vent the Chimney..Should i put in an Air brick in the kitchen breast or is there any other way round this issue..?? Thanks in advance.

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