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About Woodnut

  • Birthday 02/13/1939

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I can't hang wallpaper these days, so I called in a Professional to redecorate hall, stairs, landing and two bedrooms. (We supplied the paper ourselves.) He left every last drop of unused paint sealed up properly and enough left-over paper to decorate the third bedroom. He took not a penny until he had gone over the whole job with me, to see that I was satisfied. He apologised for overestimating the amount of paper needed and he repaid us the money we had spent on that paper. He wasn't cheap, but he was good. How did I find this guy? Word of mouth. He returns in May to decorate the remaining bedroom. John
  2. I use 'grounds' of PAR lath for fixing panel material and other cladding to walls. I might refer to these grounds as battens rather than a bearer, as they are obviously hidden. (Fixed so as to make 16" squares of course, to reduce flexing of panels.) Not many folk want this today though! John
  3. I've seen your site Alan. You know what you are about and what you are doing! I don't need to say anymore, other than it's nice to meet you. Regards John
  4. My name is John and I live in the West Midlands. I am retired, but I still work out of a single-garage woodwork shop. (The 'garage' was never designed to hold much more than a roller skate and a scooter. Well okay, a Mini would go in, but once inside you'd never open the car door to get out. So I turned the place into a woodworking shop.) I left school in 1954 and took a job as a prospective cabinetmaker's apprentice. But I got shoved around a little and I learned how to make tea. I was never any good at being someone's lackey, so despairing of ever learning anything, I didn't sign. Instead, I joined the RN, at 15 and a half, preempting the call to National Service. In the Navy, I learned most of my woodwork, from Shipwrights. (Now, they really can make wood talk!) In 1964 I de-mobbed and found work in a local, well-respected Joinery works. Very soon, the works manager decided he didn't like trade 'improvers', (which made me wonder why he gave me the job in the first place.) So I left and set about employing myself. I like making furniture (small stuff now, as I can't lump the heavier pieces around anymore!) I never did like built-in furniture, but I have made enough of it. All my own stuff is freestanding, but showing its age now. (Some of it wasn't made as it should have been, as I had neither the skills nor the proper tools then. But it's lasted and after 45 years of good use, it is all gradually being replaced by 'proper-jobs', as I work my way from bedrooms down to the cupboard under the stairs! I am happy doing what I do and what I do makes me feel happy and useful. So who can argue with that? So, it's nice to meet you all, and I hope to contribute more than I take away. Regards John

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