Howdy one and all - newbie member but experienced DIY amateur here - I really should sign up and do some City & Guilds courses one of these days - interested in Electrics (most enjoyable), will do plumbing as a matter of 'have to' but very rewarding when I've succeeded, brickying as and when but prefer to pay a pro, enthusiastic carpenter along the lines of 'functional but **** to look at' - again, prefer to marvel at the work of a true craftsman than 'have a go' myself, but practice makes perfect... Fave tool - my Bosch PSB24 cordless drill Most fun tool to use - Clark pipe bender Most hated tool - routers - bloody noisy, bloody messy, bloody necessary. Skills I haven't tried yet: Welding Plastering (filling holes with Polyfilla don't count) Fitting UPVC windows Tools I'd love to own: A lathe A pillar drill An accurate mitre (maybe I'm doing it wrong????) An Asimo robot fully pre programmed for all aspects of home DIY.