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Everything posted by mandy2011

  1. First no my house aint like a tropical island, its freezing, we also have central heatingmthe hot water comes on for a couple of hours in the mrning and a cpl hours at night thats all i use,ive gas cooker but not everyday thats used even if it was it wouldnt cost 40 quid,yes its a pre paid meter,whom ive rang the gas supplier had it out with them and the meter is turnt down to the lowest standard,which they sent me out ib paper work as i thought ill keep it as proof, They advised me to check the loft for damp, the tiles, the fibre glass being so thick etc,so i did, it was all around nov when i first noticed alot of out clothes and personal belongings,boxes of books n videos weT?? i reported it and nothing was done then, then its reached this point i have to wait till feb with a loose wirses in my childs bedroom, prey it stops raining,before the 9th of feb when they said the contractors for the council will come and do it as its the councils job to keep the work maintenence maintained,unless u smash doors,windows vandalise the property then u are liable to pay for any work needed doing.
  2. Thanks for the prompt reply scott,yes ive noticed staines on the woodenn rafters coming from the one place only the work man spotted this also and tried to say its condensation but this is the only area that seems to be wet and around it,not the back of the attic just around where there rafters are damp,ive t ried telling the workmen it could b a possible leak from a cracked tile or something he said no its condensation, ok then, if thats wot he thinks after all it is boxing day and he dont need to be out working when spending time with his family,we will b ok ive a bedroom leaking water from the light woith a young child using that ROOM and now theyve left till the 9th feb exposed till someone can come out and check it out to do the work,first there putting a vent in as theres no air vents,then there sorting out the felt as theres 3 areas of the felt exposed and got water going down it, they have to scaffold around the front of the house to check for the tiles, tgill then i have to tuen my heating down as it could be to hot up there, oh yeah after paying 40 pound a wk on gas im hoping its hot in the house, the boiler aint even in the attic its on the stair cupboard its just cold water thats in the tank up in the attic so i dont know why the attics heating up and getting condensation, its council property scott,so i automatic assume its there prob to fix. whos going to compensate on all the stuff thats been damaged cos i know they wont unless ive freciepts for everything,there local cry for everything this has been going on since summer since i first complained and now as a single mum there trying to fob me of with a story that i just dont believe is true but an easy way out for them, initially my bathroom n toilet is mouldy and i think this is the cause as its above this area n the bedroom area where everywheres getting damp???
  3. i also have experienced mould around my bathroom windown in the summer month and reported it to the council as im in council property,they sprayed it with something that took it away for a few weeks now its back, the bath room and toilets seperated,they have put a fan in the bathroom for the time being to try cure the problem and mould has now returned. ive also noticed in the toilet area the wallpaper is now coming of the wall due to damp and mould behind this. boxing day my sons bedroom light exploded from water leaking into his light,i phoned the council who came straight away and told me there was to mych condensation inthe attic that was causing the problem. in the summer time i noticed a few bin bags of summer clothing and shoes wet and damp,majority of this had to be thrown out. i didnt think anything of it till the light blew and i went to get the christmas decorations put and everything was soaking wet. ive got boxes out npw trying to dry of sentimental stuff. the council are saying on the 9th feb they are going to scaffolfd the f ront the house to have a look on the roof for a cracked tile,as this could be a problem too, they need to put felt inside the attic as 3 sheets have came down, 40 per week it costs to heat this home, why is it so expensive,is my money going thro the roof!!!!!! and can the council compensate me for my lose of goods, this explains why now my bathroom n toilet r leaking and all my lights in the kitchen lounge have not worked since the summer time.

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