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Everything posted by diy007

  1. ive been told the foot trenches would need to be around 1mtr deep, what would you say is the best way to bring the build up to dpc. Fill in with concrete and 2course bricks?
  2. im a trainee, not a proffesional at all. Hopefull by the end of this project + a 100 others i'll become a pro:D
  3. hi, I'm going to be building my first ever extention HOORAY! A few points i need to run through, how many courses of bricks should i brick below external floor level? and should i use engineering brick below external ground level or just regular face bricks? Please advise Im also wanting to tooth into a extisting extention any tips would be great.
  4. hi, yeh i have googled it but havent managed to find anything. Surely there must be something like that. Dont you think?
  5. Hi all, is there a software available to help with brickwall designs? a software in which i could type in the length and the and height of the wall and choose a set pattern; and out comes a scaled down illustration. it would be totally cool. any ideas of any such software?

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