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Everything posted by madbalsam

  1. I gotta agree with this. Some people think that keeping the home theater pitch black is sufficient. It obviously is not. Also, I'd like to reiterate BEfore and After photos! This seems exciting! Best of luck to you!
  2. I just recently painted my room a deep purple, I installed fluorescent lights in the room but it seems like the light just gets drowned by all the darkness. It looks cozy, but I would like a little more light for working, reading, changing clothes, and for other purposes. Would you suggest I paint the walls lighter, or find different lights for specific purposes? Or maybe leave one wall the current color, and paint the other walls a lighter shade of purple, or maybe some other color?
  3. Great question! Thanks for the answers guys. Livng in the tropics; i have this problem. You'd think builders here would know how to treat the problem by now..tsk
  4. Sorry, I am kind of a noob about this topic,b ut do cellars have to maintain a certain temperature? If this is so, would LED lights do better for this area because they are not as hot as other types of lights?
  5. I am planning to build a new kitchen because the one in the house I just bought is not big enough. I know which appliances and equipment to choose, but I am curious about the type of lights I should use for the room because optimal lighting is obviously needed in that area. Also, I am planning to put a hood (exhaust) above my range. It comes with a yellowish light that just does not cut it for me. Yellow lights make my food look darker. I want to change it to brighter lights; does anyone know how I can do it myself? Or would it be better for me to ask a professional to do it?
  6. I think it all depends on what type of lighting you want to put in your home. Moreover, have your tried brick and mortar sellers in your area?

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