Hi everybody, I hope you can help me with the following issue............I'm sure you can. I've recently bought a place with about 25yards, (sorry, meters), of soffits & facias. Problem is twofold. Although in good codition, structurally, the soffits are desperately in need of a re-paint, (they're flaking like a flaky Cadbury's chocolate bar), but have been identified as being asbestos! I don't want to sand these down, life is too short, so it's been suggested that I merely get them cloaked with uPVC sheets. I have no problem with this, (I'm DIY illiterate after all), but this would make the facias look tired. Should these be cloaked also? If the answer is yes on both counts, how do I 'finish off' half way along where the property becomes my neighbour's? Would appreciate any advice, in anticipation, Slime. P.S. I hope this is in the correct forum..................'Roofing'. If not, I apologise & please re-direct, thanks.