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    Pembrokeshire UK
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  1. Hiya Admin, Why do you ask? Being only around 20m^2 the building is outside the interest of building control. Don't want to involve anyone I don't have to. Added to which, if I could get all the relevant information elsewhere then I wouldn't need this forum Thanks for your reply though, it's nice to have one.
  2. Hi all, hope someone can help with this. I'm building a general purpose outbuilding in my garden. It will be 5.5m by 3.75m and be of concrete block construction with a timber stud frame inner leaf and flat metal roof. Overall height will be maximum of 2.5m The block walls will have to be built first as the site is bounded by garden walls and the building will be within a foot of those walls on three sides. Am I right in believing that I would not require piers for the block outer leaf, which will be 100mm dense concrete blocks, as the outer leaf will be tied to the inner frame at regular intervals? Is this sufficient support for the block walls? Basically I suppose what I'm asking is will the four 100mm concrete block walls, just under 8 feet high, be stable without piers for the period of time before I get the inner framework built. And will the inner framework be enough support for the outer wall - would I get away with 3x2 timber or is 4x2 a better option? Also would I be safe installing the roof beams and metal roof before the inner frame?

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