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Posts posted by Anthony

  1. Hi

    After a rather unhelpful delivery man scratched a mark in white paint a couple of meters long across my floor this morning, I then foolishly tried to remove the paint mark and have removed the paint mark, but now have marks from where i scrubbed to take off the paint. In my defence it was 7am and my brain was barely working.

    I have gone back and complained to the company that made the delivery but in the mean time I wanted to understand what exactly needs to be done to fix the problem.

    I presume its possible to sand the floor boards and then re-stain - but would I need to redo the whole room (its like 5m by 10m - so reasonably large) or could I get away with just doing a small patch. My fear is that if I just did a patch I'd be turning into the old lady who swallowed the fly! i.e. just keep making the problem bigger and more noticeable.

    For reference I'm rather a novice at this whole DIY stuff - but as a recent first time house buyer, I'm learning fast(and I actually quite enjoy it) but my knowledge of terms etc is a bit limited.

    Thanks - any and all advice appreciated


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