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Posts posted by Tony

  1. For some reason the plastic waste pipes from our kitchen and bathroom (next to each other) go outside and into an exposed drain, rather than being plumbed in. This is on an exposed wall on the west side of the house, and these rooms are always cold and damp. There is nothing to stop the wind blowing up the pipes and making the rooms cool, and in addition leaves keep ending up in the grille on the drain cover, blocking it and causing it to overflow when the washing machine empties for example.

    What I was thinking to do (since we are only renting and can't afford to re-plumb properly) is to build a wooden enclosure about 4" deep to fit against the wall, to stop the cold wind from getting to these pipes and into the kitchen and bathroom.

    Problem is, I have wood to make the framework, but I can't think what to use to clad the outside.

    All of the wood at B&Q is either too thick, or it's indoor type board (hardboard, chipboard,MDF) which if outside isn't going to last too long.

    Any thoughts on what to use please? It doesn't have to look "amazing", it's along a passage down the side of the house. It ought to make a big difference to the heating and damp this winter though.

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