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  • Location
    South Wales
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    I'm a DIY Amateur

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  1. Thank YOU!! wonderful forum, I'm looking to do my house up on a small budget so I'm sure I'll become a regular fast!!
  2. Right first off can I apologise if I make no sense at all, I’m not entirely sure what is what but I’ll try giving you as much of the story as I can and hopefully (and I really would be grateful) you could help me. In March my heating started making a terrible noise. Real clunky noise. We turned it off because we didn’t need it and we were having a new bathroom fitted and they said that it could be air in the system and they’d drain the system. They were total cowboys, they fitted out bathroom and we had leaks and all sorts, basically, they charged me SO much money and I’ve had to deal with leaks etc and then had to pay someone to come out to fix the leaks! Anyhow, winter arrives and we turn on the central heating and nothing, it turns out they’d plugged the emersion heater in so that’s how we’ve had hot water (obviously, despite the crappy British summer we don’t put the heat on in summer months so didn’t notice). Fast forward to today, absolutely freezing, I know I need to call a plumber or gas person but I’m worried about being ripped off again and to be honest, I’m broke so I wondered if anyone could help me first as I’m hoping it’ll be a simple problem. I just plugged the other plug in back in and turned on the central heating – obviously didn’t work. I bled the radiator and air come out but no water. I googled this and it mentioned the feed and expansion tank, the ball cock being stuck. I looked inside and it was totally empty. I managed to find the valve and switched that on getting water back in to the feed and expansion tank. Bled the radiator again and air and water passed. Heating however, still not working. Can you help? Is there anything I can do at home? Or do I have to call a plumber? I’m thinking if I do call someone out and you can help me at least if I sound as though I know what I’m talking about then it may be easier. I can totally appreciate I’m a rookie and I’m probably going to annoy with my lack of knowledge but I am willing to give things a go… Rachael Ps: I’m sure I’ve left off a gazillion bits of info, let me know what and I’ll provide details asap x

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