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About ajwt2

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday 01/02/1978
  1. I've put together a little blog of how I have recently painted my bathroom. It took a lot longer than I thought it would! hopefully some people will find it useful? I certainly didn't realise how long it would take to prepare and clean the darn walls in the first place.
  2. Driving along the motorway the other day I was musing about the big electricity pylons. Surely if these little turbines make economic and environmental sense (i.e the electricity they make more than compensates for the Carbon footpring required to make them) then surely we should have one installed on the top of each big electricity pylon? It doesn't use up any more space, it doesnt really create an eyesore as there is already a great big lump of steel tower in your vision, AND the electricity can go straight into the National Grid. I pondered this for a while, then decided to watch the road.
  3. this sounds like an awesome idea. from my A-level physics you should definately put a sheet of glass infront of whatever you choose, they will really help to trap the heat in. Copper coils sound like a good idea, radiators aren't actually that great at exchanging heat with the environment and actually work more on a convection current (i.e force a small draft of air up past the fins at the back of them) I wouldn't dump the water directly into the pool either, put another heat exchanger there. That side should be easy as the pool water will quickly suck all the heat out of the warmer water.
  4. there are plenty of online estate agents now who charge maybe £50-£100 for listing your home on their site. Other than that they dont get involved. Of course the main issue is that if you dont market your house effectively you wont get such decent offers, I hate to say it but estate agents may well earn their 3% by managing to sell your house for that little bit more.
  5. Hello my name is Ali and I run a home improvement website the idea is to help out as many people as possible by giving them all the information they need to make the right choice. As the site has developed I have learnt a great eal about DIY adn will be happy to share with one and all!

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