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Everything posted by yogibear1958

  1. Hi, i've been doing my own decorating now for years and if i say so myself i'm not too bad. Every time though i ponder if i'm brave enough to undo the radiator slightly and paper properly behind it.... and every time i chicken out and end up just papering as far as i can around it! Is there an easy way to just drop the radiator that someone can describe or am i destined to being a wimp for the rest of my life? Cheers, Yogi.
  2. Hi, My telephone extension to my sky box was installed using one of those extension kit's with a normal telephone plug adaptor plugged into the front of my master phone socket (NTE5). The only trouble is its a bit bulky and keeps getting knocked about, so i thought i would take the lower cover off the NTE5 and connect the cable direct into the socket using the IDC connectors. My problem is that i think the wire is not thick enough to make contact with IDC blades as nothing works, no dial tone, and yes the bloody wire has been chased into the wall. Is there any way i can connect this cheap cable to the innards of my master phone socket? Any help or ideas would be great! Thanks, Yogi.

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