Electric Radiant Heat Help

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the ancient romans thought underfloor heating the pinnacle of luxury and i tend to agree even though my mother claimed it causes chilblains...

as heat rises it makes sense to have the source as low as possible...

now efficient and load bearing insulation is readily available underfloor heating has again become a (fairly efficient) reality and seems to be gaining popularity, not only with quality builds and refurbishments, but also where there is little or no space for conventional radiators or fires...

maintenance problems will be more expensive and inconvenient over the longer term but the main problem whether it is electrically operated or water filled will be the same as with the older electric storage heaters - the output is not instantly controllable; a real disadvantage for around six months of our british climate...

some people have recognised this disadvantage and have elected to keep the conventional heating system and installed a low output electrical underfloor heating element in addition that provides a none chill floor but hardly contributes to the overall heat input for the building...

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