Welcome to The DIY Forum stevecooke


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Hi stevecooke,

Welcome to The DIY Forum, and thanks for joining us here.

Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

I certainly look forward to hearing from you sometime soon, and hearing all about your DIY experiences...

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Welcome again

Richard... DIY Forum Slave

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Thanks for the intro

I'm looking for a site where I can share DIY experiences and get advice - so this site looks just right

At the moment I'm trying to solve a problem with water coming through the foundation wall of my house - all the drinas have been repaired and are ok - rainwater is soaking through my neighbours block paved drive and making its way under my concrete path and stright through the wall of the house - the drive is about a foot higher than my land

Thinking about land drain down side of house or some kind of retaining wall to rpevent water reaching foundation wall - alos may need to repair damaged pointing in wall -

Perhaps waterproof the outside of the wall as well

  On 2/17/2012 at 9:48 AM, admin said:

Hi stevecooke,

Welcome to The DIY Forum, and thanks for joining us here.

Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

I certainly look forward to hearing from you sometime soon, and hearing all about your DIY experiences...

Be sure to check out the DIY Forum rules above, just to ensure were all on the same page...

Why not tell us a little about yourself, let others get to know you, and what you get up to?

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New members posting links to their business/shop or who seem to be here

ONLY to plug their business WILL be deleted and flagged as a spammer

with ALL Invision Powerboard Forums!</font></font>

Welcome again

Richard... DIY Forum Slave

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