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Posts posted by Rich

  1. So, what exactly is the "Going green - energy efficiency and recycling" forum all about. Well, without meaning to patronize, its exactly what it says on the tin!

    Share all your ideas, info and findings on how to go green, be greener, save energy consumption or even generate your own energy..

    Also, lets here all your thoughts, arguments, news and trends on recycling and tell us if you recycle and how?

    It does seem that every council in the UK has a different way of recycling so lets here how your council does it and do they make it easy for you?

    Lets here absolutely everything you have on doing you part to be energy efficient and planet friendly :D

  2. then I had the bright idea of checking out the tile shop round the corner to me and they sold me a diamond core bit and gave me the following advice

    1: Keep the bit wet at all times

    2: Drill slowly, slowest possible speed (remember the tortoise and the hare)

    3: Each bit will last for 1-2 holes

    Low and behold it worked. 5 days after we started drilling, we manages to drill 3, 6mm holes to hag a towel radiator.

    Hey Griff

    so how much did they charge you for the drill bit in the end if the other place wanted

  3. Hi everyone...

    Just a quick request to ask if there are any specific forum titles you would like to see added to this DIY Forum.

    Some of you may think there could be more categories among the home improvements section, as I may have missed something out for example.

    anyway, if anybody thinks of anything that should be added then please do add your thoughts here so I can catch up with them and take care of it for you all.


  4. Hi again...

    OK, well as with all websites on the internet, we do need to have a few rules in place just to avoid that "Well it doesn't say that in the rules" should an argument break out so here goes with some straight forward rules.

    Rule #1

    No cussing others with bad language

    Rule #2

    If you have a problem with the website, post a message in the help forum, if you have a problem with another member, ask the admin to intervene.

    Rule #3

    Do NOT spam our website or forum with links, there is a proper links section in this website DIY Directory so please post your links there where others can also review them.

    This includes and also means, new members joining, where the first thing they do is stick links in their signatures, before even making their first forum post.

    If you want free advertising, you have to earn it, so stick around, invite your friends over, and SHOW people why they can trust you. Just posting once, and throwing a link into your signature means nothing, and doesnt prove your trustworthy, and the links will be removed!

    Using the odd link in a post as part of conversation is normal but if your only going to post nothing but links, forget it, you'll be banned instantly.

    Rule #4

    Be polite and courteous at all times, abuse or sarcasm will get you nowhere.


    These rules may be subject to updating at any time should any unacceptable behavior arise.

  5. Hi All

    I'm Richard, your website admin and I'd like to take a moment to personally welcome all of you to "The DIY Forum", the home of DIY community on the web.

    Having spoken to many of my own friends, family and even business associates recently, I discovered that DIY information on the internet is very difficult to obtain, and all the big high street stores have their own way of telling you to do things, some of them don't even know how to use any of the products they sell too (Speaking from personal experience just by simply asking various staff about the products) so with a huge undertaking of a major DIY SOS about to happen (Some call it a life sentence), I setup this website as a permanent fixture to not only document my own progress and learning curves but to also hopefully provide help for others along the way.

    I've just embarked on buying a house and I'm sure many of you have been in that position of moving into a property then wanting to renovate the place almost immediately and found out just how difficult or easy some jobs really can be, so as I will be doing the same thing, I thought I would offer up my experiences right here for all to see.

    I would highly welcome ALL professional trades to sign up free here and in offering your own time to help others, you can build a great reputation for yourself as well as plug your own company along the way. After all, everybody needs a good professional tradesman at some point.

    (Especially if the DIY turns out to be "Destroy it yourself")

    Well, lets get on with the show and get things underway, now you know a little about me, why the website is here and that your all welcome, no matter if your just having trouble putting up a shelf, building your own home extension or have been part of building the new Wembley stadium, lets here all about it and see how you get on.



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